Okay, so after attending the dance festival Friday night and finishing our hosting responsibilities Saturday morning, June 26, we went for a hike. I found somewhere new to go. It's a little-known place along the PCT (Pacific Coast Trail), near the town of Cascade Locks.
Becky and her girls joined us for a day in the woods. Felt good to get out there after the wet spring we've had.
Of course, no hike is complete without the obligatory climb on downed trees. These were obviously cut this year to clear the trail. This is Kaylee and Grace.
Becky and I were walking along behind Phil and the girls when this deer came through the brush. He did not seem in any hurry as he walked through the brush along the trail as we walked along. Eventually he crossed in front of us. We watched him for a long time as he ate leaves. We got several pics before we decided to catch up to the rest.
Then as we entered this clearing we found our deer again! He had taken a short-cut over the ridge. This time everyone got to see him as he again leisurely browsed before heading back into the woods.
We almost turned back as we didn't hear any water and wondered if my information was outdated. My book said 2.2 miles and sure enough at around 2 miles (GPS) we heard water and came out at the creek (exactly 2.2 miles). Pretty place for lunch. As you can see Phil found his spot.
This is Grace trying to give the grown-ups a heart attack trying to cross the creek on slippery rocks.
Here Kaylee and Grace watch sticks they've thrown into the river float downstream.
Rock-throwing is a must-do activity at any creek. Aubrey did her share.
Nice little hike to a beautiful spot.
Aubrey. This is what it looks like to drop your walking stick and no one will let you go back for it.
A little farther up from our lunch spot was the falls. Becky's family pose in front of Dry Creek Falls.
"I can fly"
Oh my.....just read the shirt!
Grandpa and his shadows head back down the trail.
Grace and a log.
Kaylee and the same log.
No trip to Cascade Locks is complete without one of their famous ice cream cones. This is a baby cone!
Jumping off the rocks in the nearby park. Perfect ending to a beautiful day.