Okay so it's been more than 20 years since we've been to the Grand Floral Parade in Portland. This year our granddaughter was marching with the Prairie High band. Who knew she'd follow in her mother's footsteps with the same high school band!!! Anyway the parade has changed a lot since then but we had a good time with the big street party that happens this time every year.
We were lucky to be able to sit next to very friendly, non-smoking people. Across the street was Reser's and they had a barbecue going on plus they gave out pepperoni sticks to everybody.
Here's our little group on the street. Some people camp out (we had friends and sons who use to do that) but we managed to find a fairly decent spot relatively close to the starting point. When they close off streets later in the morning more seating opens up for latecomers like us.
Key Bank (big sponsor) was passing out chalk along the parade route and Anna made this sign for her sister to march over. By the time the parade comes by the street is covered in drawings.
There was a magician walking the street and stopping every now and then to entertain the crowd. He came to us and picked Jayden to help him with some of his tricks. That was fun and it kept the boys busy for a while. Jayden loved it. Here he helps turn an umbrella into scarves and vice versa.
Here comes the Prairie High marching band with their director.
I understand the band took 3rd over all the bands.
Follow the arrows to Meghan who plays the trumpet - very well I might add. By the time we saw her in the band we couldn't get a decent shot so some of us took off down the street getting more chances for pictures. I think she thought it weird to keep seeing us in different spots.
The floats (which were fewer than we remember) weren't as spectacular as they use to be but here's a few of the best. This is the Key Bank (big sponsor) float. Features storybook characters (i.e. Robin Hood, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan).
The guy in the white suit walking alongside is a Royal Rosarian. One or more of them accompany the entries - at least the floats anyway. It's a big society that's in charge of the whole thing.
There's a little boy dressed like a chimpanzee in the mouth "playing" the teeth. You could here the music, plus the mouth opened and closed on him! See the guy in the red shirt on the right? He's communicating with the float driver who can't see so well!
This was Fred Meyer's contribution - loved the birds and birdhouses and lots of flowers. (Ignore the Broadway Furniture sign in the back - it was across the street from us.)
This was one among MANY horse groups. The Pendleton Mounted Cowboy Band. They stopped in front of us and with encouragement, played for us.
This was a group of over 400 Boy Scouts that was the area National Jamboree Contingency. Most of them (if not all) were carrying flags. It was a neat sight.
It was little chilly when we first got there just after 8:00 am but the sun came out and got warm by parade time (10:00 am). Reached 80 degrees this day - the latest day in the year to hit it as far as records go. Let's hope summer is finally here!!!
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