These are caribou. We saw a great many of them in the park.

These are Dall's Sheep. It's because of them that the park was created in the first place.

This rest stop had a forest service facility. You could buy stuff as well as get in out of the wet/cold. This is where we waited for our new bus after the first one broke down. We were on our way back at that time. Caribou antlers on the bench.

Sheep's horns (and others) inside.

More Dall's sheep.

More caribou. These were a little closer.

This was our turnaround spot. The road goes 90 miles into the park. We only went about 65. This is what we saw...

...this is what you're supposed to see!
Sorry about the rain on the windows. Actually it's mostly mud. The buses stopped at a few rest areas and the drivers would get out and wash the windows. Later in the day was drier thank goodness.

Did I mention the road we were driving? At one point the driver reassured us that "there is definitely a bottom to this upcoming hill". It was like watching that show of truck drivers in India. Look out around the corner and hope you don't have to pass!

This is called polychrome valley. Sure was windy on that hill!

The vastness of the park is astounding. The treeline is 2500 ft so there are very few trees this far into the park. It's tundra.

These are called "braided rivers". The water doesn't get wider it just changes channels and creates new streambeds.

Hope you enjoyed our little tour. The guide asked us what was the rarest thing we saw. Answer: this is the only truly wild park in the system. Animals are not managed in any way. They are not fed, culled or disturbed for any reason. There is only the one road. It's the only park patrolled by dogsled in winter. The stations are a day's drive by sled apart!

This was our lodge for two nights. There was a trail behind it that went along the river. We hated to leave this place. We'd love to come back.
Quietest 4th of July we've ever spent - no fireworks or even big celebration of any kind.
There is a campground nearby. You can take a "Camper's Bus" into the park and get out to walk around if you like and then wave down another such bus to take you on or back. No personal vehicles are allowed past the 15 mile mark ranger station.
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